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Tema Ayaresabea

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Wɔatwerɛ nsɛm wei ɛwɔ Asante kasa mu

Tema ayaresabea yɛ Ghana ayaresabea a ɛwɔ Tema. Ayaresabea no yɛ aban ayaresabea a ɛde apomuden mu ayarehwɛ ma ayarefoɔ.[1]


Wɔ afe apem ahankron ne aduonum nan mu no, wɔsii Tema ayaresabea sɛ wɔmfa apomuden mu ayarehwɛ mma adwumayɛfoɔ a wɔsii Tema "Harbour". Ɛno akyire no na wɔdane maa aban no. Mpɔtam ahodoɔ a ɛnyaa ayaresabea no ho mfasoɔ ne Nungua, sakumono, Tema, ne Dangme atifi.[2]

Ayaresabea no adwuma a wɔdie.[sesa]

Ayaresabea no di dwuma bi te sɛ, wɔma nnuro, wɔpaepae nnipadua no mu, ɔhwɛ sa mmɔfra yareɛ, wɔde wɔde wɔnkɔ ayaresabea no nkorabata baako mu sɛ yareɛ no yɛ yann a, wɔhwɛ mmaa nyinsɛn so, wɔhwɛ mmaa awodeɛ so, akwanhyia,yareɛ a ɛyɛ hu.[3] Ayaresabea no sane hwɛ ani, ɛse, asikyire yareɛ, honam ani nyarewa, obi a ɔtaa yare yare, aduro a ɛte yaw so wɔ berɛ a wɔrepaepae obi mu, mmogya mmorosoɔ. Ayaresabea no boa ma ayarehwɛ bi te sɛ, nnipadua no mu nhwehwɛmu, yɛtwe wo mmogya yɛ mu nhwehwɛmu, wɔtwa wo nnipadua akwaa no bi mfonini, ɔma nnuro, wɔsiesie honam akwaa, wɔgye apomuden nkrataa (NHIS).

Beaɛ a menyaa mmoa firiiɛ.[sesa]

  1. "Tema General Hospital needs a saviour".
  2. Welcome to Tema General Hospital | Tema General Hospital | Ghana Health Service". www.ghanahealthservice.org. Retrieved 2020-08-11.
  3. Health Information Department | Tema General Hospital | Ghana Health Service". www.ghanahealthservice.org. Retrieved 2020-08-11.